MTF Stock
This is a strategy designed for long trending STOCK market assets. It has been tested and proved to work with long time BULL trending stocks like TSLA for example. It's a full price action strategy made using different integrals and derivatives properties on the candle combined together with VWAP MTF (daily/weekly/monthly).
The results in general beat buy and hold by 1-10 times in this case without using any leverage.If a 2x leverage is used, then the results are 10-100x times the normal buy and hold value depending on the chosen pair and interval.
Good returns
Can be traded both manually or automated
Can use leverage - Very high returns
Does not use a stop loss or take profit level
Works with most stock assets
Highly safe from the losses
Requires patience
Does not use a stop loss or take profit level
If used incorrectly with leverage can lose the entire capital
For maximum profits, trading experience is required
This Strategy is for payment only. It's included in the Stocks and Maximus plans. You can find all details about our plans here.
Full details about the strategy and demo
Last updated
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